26 November 2010

clear sky full moon flying

i love seeing the ground from above at night. with all the little yellowish spots, burning bulbs and moving car lights tracking their way through the darkness.
all so weeny and antsy. rushing somewhere, to someone, for something.. just as i do, watching them from above. tiny, far and human. i still believe people are good by their nature. they're just different. more rational or more heart-driven. easier forgetting and elephant-memory-dragging-around. straight forward or meandering and holding up shields. easy going or freaking out when it comes to important moments and people. they don't want to be hurt themselves, that is for sure, and most would avoid others being hurt if.. if it all was different. if we would understand each other better. if we would pay more attention. if we took everything for what it is and not what we want or interpret it to be. if.. we were all "better people". but life happens and it's all ok. the difference gives a kick to.. life, oneself and what we expect from all of it.
some things change. most things change. me too.


mad. said...

most things change.
most people dont.
because it takes a hell of a work. and because it involves pain - a price that only some are willing to pay.

liig. said...

mad, you should know me better than that (: i didn't say it about people. and i rock that pain, hell yea!!